Each Learning Module contains concept testing throughout the learning event.  Focused content supplements the knowledge base and encourages critical thinking in the practice setting.

Learning Modules are online for viewing at the learner’s convenience. They are structured with interactive content, simulation videos, inquiry-based projects and case studies. 


Online simulation occurs in an interactive, virtual environment.  Real-world scenarios are replicated in state-of-the-art simulation laboratories that complement course content and encourage critical thinking. Using case studies, practical skills, and knowledge are tested remotely; key concepts are reinforced; and exploration of new concepts occurs in a safe context. 

What was once too expensive and too expert-intensive to create for most organizations, we have made available for all facilities despite local access to simulation laboratories and expert teaching resources.


Key competencies are associated with many TruMont Learning Modules. These skills and behaviors, essential to clinically competent practice, are explained in the Learning Modules and often demonstrated in online Simulations. The Preceptor, or an onsite clinical expert, is responsible for observing, validating and documenting each of the learner’s skills using TruMont’s Clinical Skill Validation sheet or the facilities own clinical checkoff sheet.  

The learner’s progress in completing skills and competencies can be viewed online at any time. With this information, onsite leaders and the TruMont Faculty Coach are able to support successful, timely progress along the novice to expert nurse continuum.


Coaching is an important part of every TruMont Program. Every learner has a TruMont Faculty Coach assigned to them who is committed to the learner’s success and responsible for their online guidance and support. This structured guidance takes several forms, including email communication, Virtual Office Hours, and individual Tutoring Sessions. 

This eliminates the problems often faced by night and weekend shift learners who may find educational resources unavailable or difficult to access. 

Onsite coaching is provided by the Onsite Coordinator and the learner’s Manager. In the case of Transition-to-Practice learners, key coaches are also the Preceptor and Mentor.


Several of the TruMont Programs, including all the Transition-to-Practice Programs, include asynchronous, online Cohort Conferences led by a TruMont Faculty Coach. Each Cohort Conference has a Discussion Board assignment that allows the learner to reflect on the subject matter and present their thoughts and questions in a peer-review, discussion format. The Discussion Boards are curated by TruMont Faculty. Learner posts are graded with feedback provided by the TruMont Faculty.   


The innovative TruMont learning platform supports real-time tracking, trending and feedback. Knowledge Check (quiz) results are available immediately upon completion of the test. Throughout TruMont Transition-to-Practice Programs, the learner’s confidence and satisfaction are measured. These measures are available upon completion of the learner’s self-assessment.

Learners can access their own progress Dashboards while TruMont Faculty Coaches and Onsite Coordinators can monitor individual and class progress on class-level Dashboards. By using these Dashboards, the Organization-TruMont team can monitor and intervene to guide the learner, ensuring success at each step along the journey to successful program completion.

All learner process and outcome measures are shared at regularly scheduled meetings with organization leadership to support facility-level program management. TruMont uses the data and trends over time and across facilities to guide the continual development and improvement of its programs offerings.


The Transition-to-Practice and Entry Level Programs include the completion of a  Capstone Project which is usually related to Clinical Leadership, Quality Improvement, or Mentoring. These projects are chosen by the Learner in collaboration with their Manager, Onsite Coordinator, Mentor and the TruMont Faculty Coach. They are based on the learner’s unique perspective and passion. 

These problem-based projects place the TruMont Faculty Coach, Manager and Onsite Coordinator in consultative rather than authoritative positions, thus fostering the learner’s leadership role. Each project is designed for the learner to collaborate with their colleagues to improve patient care in their own department. The goal is to foster a Culture of Engagement with the caregiver acting as a thoughtful strategist rather than a functional doer.