Availability of Real-Time Data Dashboards Drive Action

Promptly identify and correct problems and celebrate wins with real-time data. TruMont Dashboards track and trend progress and outcomes for individuals and the Program.

Real-time Program and learner-specific data are available in the form of dashboards that track and trend progress and outcomes. Learner problems can be identified promptly so interventions can occur with the learner to ensure successful progress.

Availability of real-time data also encourages recognition and celebration of learner successes throughout the Program. This is particularly important in the Transition-to-Practice Programs when newly hired caregivers are acclimating to the organization’s culture.

TruMont works with organization leadership, utilizing their specific process and outcome data, as well as data from similar organizations, to shape future programs based on trends over time.


Organization-TruMont Partnerships Creating Unique Programs